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Movie Theater

Movie Theater

Click the hyperlink above to read this story. This is an emotional piece, in which I limited myself to 1,000 words to complete. In its short narrative, the story of a young boy dealing with the loss of his mother at the hand of lupus unfolds. 


Independence Day

Independence Day

Click the hyperlink above to read this story. In this piece, O.T. creates a story about a nineteen year old boy who is drafted to the Vietnam War. Dealing with issues in love, familial alcoholism, and anxiety, the protagonist, Peter, must pursue his individual future. 




Click the hyperlink above to read this story. This story, totaling over 8,500 words, interrogates a blue collar narrative in Newark, New Jersey. It is based off the poem, The Great Figure, written by fellow New Jersey native, William Carlos Williams. The protagonist, Miguel Ferreira (nicknamed Menino), finds that he is in a difficult position mediating relations between the old Portuguese fire department chief, and best friend, a Mexican man two years senior to him. 

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